In the Enrolled Users dashboard, you can view everyone who has enrolled in the Policyholder portal.
To view enrolled users:
- Go to the Enrolled Users dashboard.
- View the total number of enrolled users in the top left corner: Enrolled Users (N).
- Scroll to view enrolled users’ details.
- Search for users by name or user login.
Note: Pagination reduces load times on the dashboard.
The Enrolled Users dashboard contains several columns, including:
- Name: Enrolled users' names.
- User Login: Enrolled users' login names.
- Preferred Language: Enrolled users' preferred languages in the Policyholder portal.
- Registration Date: The date a user registered, formatted as MM/DD/YYYY.
- E-Delivery: Indicates whether an enrolled user has opted in for E-Delivery. Yes means the user has elected to receive paperless communication. No means the user wants to receive hard copies of their documents.
- Email Confirmed: Indicates whether an enrolled user has verified their email. Yes means the user confirmed their email. No means the user hasn't confirmed their email. A number will indicate how many emails were confirmed out of how many the account has; for example, 1 of 2 means one out of two emails were confirmed. Email confirmation is important to ensure successful eDelivery.
- Actions: Select More dropdown for the following options: