Release Date: September 2021
The BriteApps team added a new Allow Payment Reminders setting to control whether users can set payment reminders. The setting is enabled by default.
Policyholder Portal
Payment Reminders Screen
Users can set payment reminders from:
- The Payment Reminders screen in the web version
- The Your Account screen in the mobile version
Users can choose any or all of the options below for payment reminders:
- 1 day before payment is due
- 7 days before payment is due
- 14 days before payment is due
- 30 days before payment is due
Users can choose a reminder option but they will always receive an in app notification:
- Push
- Users must have push notifications enabled on their mobile device in order to receive push notifications
- Email
- Users will receive an email notification to the email address on their account
- Text
- Users must have Consent to Text Messages enabled in order to choose this option
The reminders will include:
- The carrier name
- The policy number, invoice amount due, invoice due date and the current balance due on the policy
- An active link to the customers web portal in the Email notification.
Administrator Portal
User Actions Dashboard
Two new actions have been added to the User Actions dashboard related to Automatic Payment Reminders:
Set Payment Reminders
- Logs when the user slides Automatic Payment Reminders ON
Disable Payment Reminders
- Logs when the user slides Automatic Payment Reminders OFF
Edelivery/Email Dashboards
The Emails dashboard now displays emails that were not initially delivered in orange indicating a temporary failure state. Our email service will try to resend these emails on a specific schedule for up to 8 hours. If they do get delivered, the dashboard will show no color and if they fail will show as failures.
The EDelivery dashboard now displays eDelivery events whose emails initially failed in orange indicating a temporary failure state. The system will periodically check for successful delivery and if the email is successfully delivered the event will be marked as Notified, and if they fail the event will be marked as Failed.