Always start by mapping your data and consulting the data dictionary to select your data points.
Don’t combine data from unrelated facts’ data sets. Don’t create complex deliverables that pull data from unrelated facts’ data sets. You're better off building individual reports and analyzing them separately.
For example, if you have both claims and policies on the report, BriteData Builder can't determine which Item Name is accurate, and this might affect the data returned based on which data set BriteData selects to run.
Use the Primary Policyholders data set to guarantee you get one record per policy when performing calculations on the data. Each data point in the Policyholders data set will generate a record for each insured name on the policy, thereby duplicating your data.
The Item Types data point includes coverages, adjustments, calculations. Most standard reports require only coverages. If you add all the item types, your totals will be inaccurate. Use filters to capture the relevant Coverage items.
Rename your data points so your column headings will better reflect the data you want to pull. For example, if you use the Item Question data point to pull protection class, then rename Item Question to Protection Class.
Re-naming a data point on this step doesn't rename/locate the item on the data set, it only updates the name on the report column of the report. You can create a Conditional Fill data rule to control the data being returned to the report.
Rules tips
As a general rule, start with no filters, run the report, and then add one filter at a time to make sure that you're filtering out only the rows you don't want.
Always select This is a summary group. The report will generate a Details sheet with the raw data and a separate sheet with the summary.
If the numbers in your report are off, the Details sheet can serve as a useful troubleshooting tool to begin analyzing how to adjust your filters.
For any data points with the word Balance (Loss Reserve Balance, Legal Reserve Balance, etc.), use the First or Last aggregator to group them meaningfully. Don’t group by Sum. Since the balance reflects the amount at a point in time, you will add the same number over different points in time.