You can use BriteData to customize an existing report.
To customize a new report:
- Select Reports in the BriteCore menu.
- Select Report List from the Reports menu, then select Add Report.
- The Add Report dialog box will display: Would you like to base the new report on an existing report? Select Yes to customize an existing report.
- Select the existing report from the Report to Copy dropdown list.
- You will be directed to BriteData.
- Update the rest of the Define your Report screen as needed.
- Select Continue to the next step to select your data points.
- Select Continue to the next step to define rules for your data.
- Select Continue to the next step to design your template (if applicable).
- Select Continue to the next step to finish your report.
Note: For existing reports, your data points, rules, and templates (if applicable) will pre-populate with the default report settings. Tip: As you customize your report, proceed slowly. Edit one data point/rule at a time, and then run the report each time.