Projected Release Date: July 2020
BriteCore will allow users to add a specific due date for the month within the billing schedule, so insureds who are paid once per month or receive subsidized income can select the billing date that works best for them.
This feature will:
- Add the Invoice Due Date option on the Billing Setup screen.
Figure 1: The Invoice Due Date field within the Billing Setup screen.
- When a specific date of the month is selected, BriteCore will regenerate future invoices with the new due date.
Note: The new due date may change the bill date or issue date for future invoices.
Figure 2: The Invoice Due Date dropdown list.
Usage considerations
- If the new due date results in an invoice having the bill date or issue date of today’s date or prior, the impacted invoice won't be updated, and a message will appear with the details. All other future invoices will be updated with the new due date.
- If there's a conflict with an invoice bill date, the following message will display:
The date selected would result in an invoice bill date prior to the current date. Due to this conflict in dates, the updated due date will apply to the invoices billed on and after <MM/DD/YYYY>.
Figure 3: The Invoice Due Date conflict of date pop-up window.
- If there isn't a conflict with an invoice bill date, the change will process without a warning message.