Policyholder portal
View Declaration
A new setting has been added that allows you to display a View Declaration link. The setting is disabled by default. Enable Show View Declaration Link to display the link on the Policy screen.
- The link will appear on the Policies screen in the ellipses for the web version and above the Named Insureds on the Policies screen for the mobile version.
- If the link is selected, it will display a view of the policy declaration. The declaration displayed is auto-generated at the time of the request and isn't a legal document.
New content has been added that allows you to change the default text on the generated declaration. The content default Preview Declaration (This is not a legal copy) will appear at the top of the generated declaration; it can be changed by adding new content to Content Generated Declaration Legal Text.
Provider Administrator portal
Enrolled Users dashboard
The Email Confirmed column on the Enrolled Users dashboard has been updated to show the number of emails confirmed out of the total number of emails on that users account.
Charts and Graphs dashboard
New graphs were created to display statistics for Document Delivery Type and Paperless Enrollment by Month. These new graphs will only be available if you have Enable E-Delivery setting enabled.
- Document Delivery Type: Displays the number of users who have selected the document delivery types of Paperless and Printed.
- Paperless Enrollment By Month: This graph displays the number of times Go Paperless was selected before and after enrollment. The data for this graph will take some time to catch up since we just started collecting it (the data won't reflect the past Go Paperless selections).
Insured Portal code
In Britecore, we added a variable with the keyword {portal_code} to include in your deliverables. You can now insert the insured’s portal code into any BriteCore deliverable.