Travelers Boiler Re is a leading provider of equipment breakdown reinsurance, underwriting, risk control, claims, and risk management services.
BriteCore setup
To set up Travelers Boiler Re in BriteCore:
- Contact Christopher (
- Complete necessary paperwork.
- In BriteCore, navigate to Settings > Vendors > Travelers.
- Select the box.
- Navigate to Settings > System Wide > System Tags.
- Select the Equipment Breakdown tag.
- Select the effective date.
- Tag the applicable items. With the exception of deductibles, if multiple items are selected on a policy they will be summed together for both limit and premium.
- Equipment Breakdown: Add this tag to any item that you consider Equipment Breakdown Coverage.
- Building: Add this tag to any item you wish to report to Travelers BoilerRE as Building Coverage.
- Contents: Add this tag to any item you wish to report to Travelers BoilerRE as Contents Coverage.
- Deductible: Add this tag to any item whose deductible you want to be listed (most likely the Primary Coverage). If multiple items exist on a policy that might be classified as Deductible, then the largest deductible will be used in the search group.
- Enable the Travelers-Bordereau report.
- Navigate to Settings > Advanced.
- Search: travelers-bordereau.
- Select True.
BriteCore processing
To set up Travelers Boiler Re for BriteCore processing:
- Navigate to Reports > Report List > Travelers Bordereau.
- Select the applicable report.
- Enter last month’s dates.
- When the report is finished, you can access it in Reports > Attachments.