The LexisNexis C.L.U.E. (Comprehensive Loss Underwriting Exchange) integration provides property and casualty underwriters with valuable information. C.L.U.E. furnishes insurance companies’ property and liability claims data, which is used in evaluating property and casualty underwriting.
The LexisNexis C.L.U.E. integration consists of two parts:
- Contributing claim data.
- Ordering reports.
Note: To order reports, you must contribute to the LexisNexis C.L.U.E. database.
LexisNexis setup
Note: BriteCore’s relationship with LexisNexis is based on a third-party processor agreement.
To set up LexisNexis in BriteCore:
- Contact LexisNexis.
- Complete client-specific documents provided by LexisNexis:
- The Customer Side of the Insurance Information Third Party Processor Agreement Authorizing Third Party Processor Access document.
- The Enterprise Implementation Questionnaire document.
- Provide the completed documents to BriteCore.
Note: BriteCore will email the documents to
- Once approved, LexisNexis will create an account and provide you with your credentials and other essential information.
- Set up your lines of business in BriteCore.
- Determine whether you will use a surcharge or credit claims.
- Familiarize yourself with BriteCore system tags.
BriteCore setup
To enable and configure the LexisNexis C.L.U.E. Property integration in BriteCore:
- In the BriteCore menu, select Settings.
- In the Settings menu, select Vendors.
- On the Vendors screen, under Risk Assessment, select Lexis Nexis C.L.U.E. Property (Loss History).
- Next to Lexis Nexis C.L.U.E. Property (Loss History), select the edit icon
- In the Lexis Nexis C.L.U.E. Property dialog box, complete the following steps:
- Under Lexis Nexis Server Environment, select Production.
Note: Select Test only when working on a site that isn’t live.
- Add the appropriate information to the following boxes:
- Client Id
- PNC Account Number
- Carrier Account Number
- Carrier Id
- Company A.M. Best Number
- Source Id
- SFTP Username
- SFTP Password
- SFTP Directory, no slashes
- Under Claims free discount, use the < Add and Remove > buttons to move loss causes to the appropriate box:
Note: All causes begin in the Included Loss Causes box and appear in alphabetical order.
- Included Loss Causes: Considered reasons to prevent a discount.
- Excluded Loss Causes: Considered reasons to allow a discount.
- Select Done.
- Under Lexis Nexis Server Environment, select Production.
Once the setup phase is complete, the user acceptance test cycle will begin.
Note: During the user acceptance test cycle, files are sent and requested to ensure the setup is functioning properly.