You can create a four-digit PIN to access your account. This creates a shortcut to log in to the Policyholder portal without using a username and password.
To create a PIN, open the Policyholder portal and:
- On the Log In screen, check the checkbox next to Fast login with PIN only next time.
- Type your Username or Email Address (depending on your provider settings).
- Type your Password.
- Select Sign In.
- On the Policyholder portal dashboard, select the Navigation Menu on the top-left corner.
- On the Navigation Menu at the top-right of the screen select View Account.
- Scroll to Account Settings and select Change Account Settings.
- Select Edit PIN.
- Type a PIN in the 4-digit PIN box. Check Show to display the PIN as you type.
- Select Save.
- Select Navigation Menu on the top-right corner, select Log Out.
- The Log In screen will now prompt you to log in with a PIN. You can log in with a username by selecting Sign in by username.