Credit card and bank account (ACH) payments are submitted on the Secure Checkout screen unless your third-party payment processor has a separate payment portal.
Note: You don't need to be logged in to access the Secure Checkout screen.
For more information about submitting a payment on the Secure Checkout screen, see Submit an electronic payment.
Staff access to the Secure Checkout screen
Staff and agents can access the Secure Checkout screen from the Accounts Receivable screen of a policy:
- Select Make Payment from the header or the Balance section.
- Select Electronic Payment (Credit Card or ACH).
- Select Make Payment to be directed to the Secure Checkout screen.
Insured access to the Secure Checkout screen
Insureds can access the Secure Checkout screen if you add an option to make a payment on your company's website redirecting to the Secure Payment screen.
Note:To redirect to the Secure Payment screen, add a hyperlink or button to your company's website that links to (companyname)
To access the Secure Checkout screen, the insured will need to:
- Select the link on your company's website to access the Secure Payment screen.
- In the Policy Number (ID) box, type the policy number exactly as it appears on the statement.
- In the Zip Code box, type the ZIP code for the billing address or risk address.
- Select Submit.
Configure the Secure Checkout screen
- Use the logo advanced setting to add your company's logo to the Secure Checkout screen.
- Use the settings in the Payments section on the Non-Pay tab of the Policy Lifecycle dialog box to prevent insureds from making payments on the Secure Checkout screen if their policy goes into:
- Cancellation pending for non-payment of premium.
- Cancellation pending for non-payment of premium and has been flagged for poor payment history.
- Cancellation pending for underwriting reasons.
- Use the days-to-allow-canceled-policy-payment advanced setting to allow insureds to make payments on the policy for a specific number of days after the policy has been canceled.
- Use the allow-pay-submitted-policies advanced setting to allow staff, agents, and insureds to make payments once the quote is submitted but before the policy is bound.
- Use the Enforce minimum (currently due) and maximum (payoff amount) payment amounts when making electronic payments from the Secure Checkout page setting to enforce payment amounts.
- Use the Show in Public Gateway display option in the Edit Billing Schedules dialog box to display or hide billing schedules on the Secure Checkout screen.