Clients can upload files to the Daily Cash Receipts page. The files can originate from an on-site check scanning device or from the client's bank.
Vendor Contact
Clients can use any vendor.
Note: On the Settings > Vendors screen BriteCore displays BBT.
BriteCore Set Up
- Use any software or bank to generate a file according to these specifications:
- A flat TXT file.
- Line 0, the first line, is discarded but it contains the date, number of checks, and total amount.
- The first 15 digits equate to the BriteCore policy number, with 0's prepended to form a 15 digit number. If the policy number has dashes, like 10-2012-15, the dashes are removed.
- The next 25 digits are the amount of the payment with 0's prepended.
- The final 15 digits are the check numbers.
- Navigate to Settings > Vendors > BB&T.
- Check the box
- An Upload Receivables File button will appear in Policies > Payments > Daily Cash Receipt where you enter check, money order, and cash receivables.
- Billing statements will have an OCR scan line on the bottom of page 1. If you use a check-scanning device, run the coupon and check through the device.
- Check the box
BriteCore Processing
- In BriteCore, select Policies.
- On the Policies screen, select Payments, and then select Daily Cash Receipt.
- On the Daily Cash Receipt screen, select Upload Receivables File to upload the file once.
- When complete, select any payments with an Unresolved status, and then distribute the funds as needed.
What if the insured forgets to send in the billing coupon?
- Add the payment manually to Policies > Payments > Daily Cash Receipt.
- Scan the check only and update the policy information in the bank software prior to generating the receivable file.
What if I upload the same file more than once?
BriteCore will add all of the payments a second time.
- In BriteCore, select Policies.
- On the Policies screen, select Payments, and then select Daily Cash Receipt.
- On the Daily Cash Receipt screen, delete the duplicate entries, and then select Print Deposit Receipt.
What if I accidentally applied duplicate payments?
- In BriteCore, select Policies.
- On the Policies screen, select Payments, select Payment Log, and then delete the duplicate payments.