The IVANS eDocs service is intended to build and upload generated XML files to the IVANS servers.
If a qualifying transaction occurs during a business day and deliverables are printed or queued to be printed, then, that night:
- BriteCore completes an agency download via an XML file.
- Any transaction(s) that occurred on a policy within that business day are uploaded to IVANS as PDFs along with the downloaded XML file.
Note: The XML file acts as metadata for connecting the uploaded documents to policies, insureds, agencies, and more.
Once the documents are uploaded to IVANS, they’re exported to the IVANS eDocs portal.
The IVANS eDocs portal compiles the data into a concise, usable format that is then disseminated to agents and agencies.
For information on implementing eDocs, please see IVANS eDocs setup.
eDocs query update to sync with Policy Download
When a policy renews in BriteCore:
- The renewal needs to be reported to IVANS Policy Download that day to prevent the one-day delay created by the auto-printing process.
- The Policy Download transaction date needs to match the print date on the renewal billing statement and declaration files.
- The policy transactions that trigger IVANS Policy Download and eDocs Download need to happen the same day as the renewal.
- The eDocs transactions need to be uploaded either as the policy renews or afterward.
- The policy renewal and corresponding eDocs transactions need to be uploaded on the same day.