ImageRight is the leading provider of insurance-focused content management, enterprise workflow, and business intelligence solutions. ImageRight converts the data within the BriteCore nightly file(s) to ImageRight content. It places the processed message and any attachments in a specified Drawer, File, Folder, and Document type that is determined by the Carrier. A workflow task on the content can then be established.
Set up ImageRight
The setup process requires you to complete tasks with Vertafore and within BriteCore.
Set up ImageRight (Vertafore)
To set up ImageRight with Vertafore:
- Contact Vertafore.
- Complete the required paperwork.
- Complete the Vertafore training on using ImageRight.
- Secure the following from Vertafore:
- The FTP address to which deliverables should be sent.
- The credentials to connect to the server.
Set up ImageRight in BriteCore
To set up ImageRight in BriteCore:
- On the BriteCore menu, select Settings.
- In the Settings submenu, select Deliverables.
- In the Mass Deliverables section, select the deliverables the client wants to be sent to ImageRight.
- In the Settings submenu, select Vendors.
- In the Imaging section, select ImageRight.
- Next to ImageRight, select the edit icon .
- In the ImageRightdialog box, under Server Connection, complete the following steps:
- In the Username box, type the username.
- In the Password box, type the password.
- In the Host box, type the host.
- In the Folder Path box, type the FTP URL (example:
- In the Transfer Protocol dropdown list, select the appropriate protocol.
- In the Configuration (JSON)box, complete the JSON string.
Important: You can edit the JSON configuration only the first time.
- Select Done.