You need to set up the Willis Towers Watson/e2Value Structure Insurance Score integration before you can use it to retrieve insurance scores.
Set up the integration
To set up the integration:
- Enable the integration in BriteCore.
- Add a new line item to a policy type.
- Configure the line item.
- Configure the line item’s rating.
Enable and configure the integration in BriteCore
To enable and configure the integration in BriteCore:
- In the BriteCore menu, select Settings.
- In the Settings menu, select Vendors.
- On the Vendors screen, under Risk Assessment, select WTW Structure Insurance Score.
- To configure the integration, next to WTW Structure Insurance Score, select the edit icon
- In the WTW Structure Insurance Score dialog box, configure the integration to fit your setup.
Note: When configuring the integration, at the very least, add the API key.
- If you want to enable the manual invocation for the API call, select Manual Invocation. This is optional.
Add a new line item to a policy type
To add a new line item to a policy type:
- In the BriteCore menu, select Lines.
- On the Effective Dates screen, select the applicable effective date.
- On the Policy Types screen, complete the following steps:
- In the Select State or Province dropdown, select the applicable state or province.
- Navigate to the applicable Line, and then, next to the applicable policy type, select the edit icon
- On the Details screen, under Setup, in the Primary Exposures section, select Add Line Items
- In the Edit Line Item dialog box, complete the following steps:
- In the Line Item Name box, type WTW Structure Insurance Score.
- Select Setup.
- In the Type section, complete the following steps:
- In the Type dropdown list, select Calculation.
- Select Line item has a rate and/or deductible.
- In the Options section, complete the following steps:
- Select Line item is Mandatory for this policy type.
- Select Show in Builder: BriteCore & BriteQuote.
Figure 1: Configure a line item.
- Select Rating.
- In the Rate Chain section, select the Add to Chain icon
- In the Rate Object dropdown list, select Evaluation.
- In the Chain Details section, next to Evaluation, select the edit icon
- In the Evaluation code box, type vendor_data(, “WTW”, “SIS”).get(“allperils”, 0).
- At the bottom of the screen, select Save.
Note: Each client should decide if they want to use the insurance scores for premium changes or firing events like a Pass/Fail.
Additional insurance scores
You can also configure the following insurance scores to return a score:
- All Perils
- Fire
- Liability
- Theft
- Water
- Weather