Dec Order
By default, the category order in the Declaration's Rating Information section is based on the order they’re built in the Lines module. However, you can overwrite the default by explicitly defining the order.
You can control how agents can view or interact with categories by using the Hide, Show, or Disable options:
- Hide: Agents can’t see the category on the screen.
- Show: Agents can see and update the category.
- Disable: Agents can see the category but can’t update it.
Hiding and disabling a category isn’t compatible with the Blank Category Default option in Settings > Modules > Lines > Options. When both settings are enabled, BriteCore defaults category dropdowns to None Selected, which prevents the agent from rating the policy.
Print on Declaration
The Print on Declaration option determines whether the category and its selected value appear in the Rating Information section of the Declaration. If this option is unchecked, then the Dec Order setting above isn’t needed.
Category is Selected by a Lookup
The Category is Selected by a Lookup option allows a category to be broken into smaller pieces for reference.
Synchronize this Category Value Across Line Items
The Synchronize this Category Value Across Line Items option allows the reuse of the category across line items where the value updates on all associated items when changed.
Message Popup for Builder
The Message Popup for Builder option creates a selectable icon on the screen and displays information typed into the text input box.
Note: In the database, BriteCore staff can add or change pop-up messages without uncommitting policies referencing the line of business.
Blank Category Default
Blank Category Default is a global setting located in Settings > Modules > Lines > Options. When checked, the setting defaults all category dropdowns to None Selected with the exclusion of Premium Basis, Deductibles, and Limits. A category with None Selected prevents the rating of a policy. Using None Selected is a way to ensure an agent answers a category question.
Important: BriteCore recommends you don’t use Blank Category Default, as it restricts flexibility in configuring lines of business. For the most flexibility, use None Selected as a default category option when building categories.
Renewal Functionality
If a category is set to NULL when a policy renews, the category automatically updates to the defaults selected for the line of business.