In BriteCore, you can choose from several types of categories:
- Standard
- Age
- Zip Code
- Location Code
- Credit Tier
- Deductible
- Years Since Last Claim Made
- Number of Claims
- Mapped
- Referenced
The Standard category is definable and has definable options that users can choose from a dropdown list:
- Construction type
- Frame
- Masonry
- Occupancy
- Owner occupied
- Tenant occupied
- Number of families
- 1
- 2
- 3
Default category value
Using the Standard category, you can explicitly set a default. When an agent or staff member builds a new policy, BriteCore selects the default value. Example: If you offer $500, $1000, and $2500 deductibles and set $1000 as the default, then BriteCore will automatically select $1000 when a user builds a policy. If you don’t set a default value, the category will default to the first option in the list. The default option takes precedence over the Blank Category Default setting, which you can find in Settings > Modules > Lines > Options.
Disallowed category value
Using the Standard category, you can explicitly set disallowed values. Disallowed categories are intended to make a policy application ineligible. In the Policy Wizard, users who select a disallowed category are notified that the application is ineligible and the user can’t proceed.
The Age category is for specifically pulling the ZIP codes associated with locations in Settings > System Wide > Business Locations. When a user enters a risk address on a policy, the ZIP code value automatically pulls into the policy rating. When the policy renews and is on its last available number, the line item is removed and the policy is automatically committed.
Note: You won’t receive a notification when a line item is dropped from a policy. Currently, the age category maximum is 200 years. If dwellings older than 190 years are insured, consider funding a feature to increase the age category maximum.
Using the Age category, you can explicitly set a default. When an agent or staff member builds a new policy, BriteCore selects the default value. If you don’t identify a default value, the category will default to the first option in the list. The default option takes precedence over the Blank Category Default setting, which you can find in Settings > Modules > Lines > Options.
Zip Code
The Zip Code category is for specifically pulling the ZIP codes associated with locations in Settings > System Wide > Business Locations.
Limit of Selected Item
The Limit of Selected Item category is used specifically to reference a line item’s limit.
Important: Due to potential intuition issues when using this category type, use it only when absolutely necessary. When possible, reference limits with evaluations instead.
Location Code
The Location Code category is for specifically referencing counties and county specifications defined in Settings > System Wide > Business Locations. When a user enters a risk address on a policy, the county and, if applicable, county specification values automatically pull into the policy rating.
Credit Tier
After retrieving a credit score via vendor integration, the Credit Tier category pulls customizable credit tier information from the Label area in Settings > Vendors > ISO Credit Scoring or LexisNexis Credit Scoring.
The Deductible category specifically references a line item’s deductible.
Important: Due to potential intuition issues when using this category type, use it only when absolutely necessary. When possible, reference limits with evaluations instead.
Years Since Last Claim Made
The Years Since Last Claim Made category defines how far into the past a claim should be referenced. If no claim exists, the category defaults to Not Applicable.
Number of Claims
The Number of Claims category defines how many filed claims should be referenced.
The Mapped category replaces lookups.
Hands-on table
Use a hands-on table to create a Mapped category based on a Standard category item.
- Combining categories produces the Cartesian product of the combined categories.
- Selecting a Mapped category specifies when that one will happen, which is why you can select only one at a time.
- Creating Mapped categories doesn't limit you to:
- A one-to-one map.
- One Standard to a map.
- Chaining Mapped categories together:
- Mapped categories can be based on another mapped category, other standards, etc.
- BriteCore always keeps track of how the dependencies work together and disables/enables options accordingly.
- Choosing to delete a category, you must first remove any categories dependent on the category you want to delete.
A Referenced category replaces synchronized categories.
Hands-on table
Use a hands-on table to:
- Reference a standard or a mapped category.
- Create a map off of a referenced category.
- If you add a referenced item to a policy in Builder, it automatically adds the line item it references.
- Dependency loops aren’t a factor because a reference category can’t bring in other reference categories. BriteCore automatically enables/disables options to prevent this.