An agent is an individual who writes and sells insurance policies. An agent can also view and file claims. An agent has access to the New Quote, Policies, Claims, Payments, Reports, and Settings modules. You can add an agent in the Contacts module.
To add an agent, open the desired contact and:
- In the Role section, select Add a Role to open the Role dialog box.
- In the Role dropdown list, select Agent.
- Select Done to close the dialog box and return to the Role section.
- Select Save beneath the Role dropdown list. A Save Completed pop-up window will open.
- In the Username box, type the username the agent will use to log in.
- In the Email Confirmation To box, type the agent’s email address.
- In the Password box, type the password that will be used with the username to log in.
- In the Retype Password box, retype the password to confirm it is entered correctly. If the passwords don't match, a Warning pop-up window will open. Select OK or X to close the pop-up window.
- In the Permission Level dropdown list, select the agent’s permission level from the list. See Role Permissions for more information.
- In the Default State dropdown list, select the state where the agent works. This is a required field.
- In the Timezone dropdown list, select the time zone where the agent works. This is a required field.
- In the Zendesk Email box, type the email address the agent will associate with the Zendesk account. See Zendesk for more information.
- In the Social Security # box, type the agent’s social security number.
Note: After entering and saving an SSN, BriteCore will mask it, revealing only the last four digits. This is a default setting for BriteCore to protect a contact's identity. See mask-ssn-on-edit-contact for more information.
- In the Driver’s License # box, type the agent’s driver’s license number. If the agent’s driver’s license number is the same as the agent’s social security number, you can check the Same as Social Security # checkbox to automatically populate the Driver’s License # box.
- In the Date of Birth boxes, type the agent’s date of birth using the MM/DD/YYYY format.
- Check the Send Commission Statement Electronically checkbox if the agent will receive commission statements electronically.
- In the Email Address to Use dropdown list, select the agent email address where commission statements will be sent.
- In the Direct Claim Activity To dropdown list, select the email address where claim activity should be sent. If an email address is selected, the Also CC box will appear.
- In the Also CC box, type any additional email address(es) that will receive claim activity emails. If you enter more than one email address, use commas to separate them.
- In the series of checkboxes, select all that apply:
- Accept Policy Documents Electronically
Note: To check the Accept Policy Documents Electronically checkbox, you must first select an email address from the Email Address to Use dropdown list.
- Send Daily “Print List” Email
Note: Select both the Accept Policy Documents Electronically checkbox and the Send Daily "Print List" Email checkbox for the agent to receive the Print List summary.
- Notify by Email All Overdue Invoices
- Do not print invoices when this agency is the bill whom
- Direct Application Activity to Specified Email Addresses
Note: If you select the Direct Application Activity to Specified Email Addresses checkbox, the Email Addresses to Use box appears. Type any additional email address(es) to which application activity should be directed. If you enter more than one email address, use commas to separate the email addresses.
- Accept Policy Documents Electronically
- In the Email Address to Use dropdown list, select the email address that will receive the notifications identified above if you haven't already selected an email address. When you select an email address, the Also CC box will appear.
- In the Also CC box, type any additional email address(es) that will receive the identified notifications. If you enter more than one email address, use commas to separate them.
- Select the green + icon next to Agencies to link the agent to an agency.
- In the Agencies box, type the name of the agency to which the agent is connected. To add additional agencies, repeat steps 23 and 24. Continue to step 25 when you're finished entering agencies.
- As you type the agency name, a dropdown list of agencies that are similar to the name you're entering will appear. If the agency you're entering is an existing BriteCore contact, select the correct contact from the list.
- If a dropdown list doesn't appear, or if the agencies that appear don't match the agency you're entering, continue typing the agency name. Press Enter/Return on your keyboard.
- If the agency name is similar to an existing contact, the Did You Know? pop-up window will open with similar contacts. If you find a matching contact, select the contact. If you don't find a matching contact, select Create New Contact to complete the New Contact dialog box for an individual or for an organization.
- If the agency name doesn't match an existing contact, the New Contact dialog will open. Complete the New Contact dialog box for an individual or for an organization.
- In the Producer Number box, type the agent’s producer number.
- By default, the Follow agency restrictions checkbox is selected. If the contact will follow the agency quoting restrictions, continue to step 27. If the contact won't follow the agency quoting restrictions, clear the Follow agency restrictions checkbox.
- When you're finished entering information, select Save. A Save Completed pop-up window will open. If you select Cancel, BriteCore won't save the entered information.
Usage considerations
In the Policies table, you can view all policies in which the contact is listed as the agent. When you select a policy from the table, BriteCore will direct you to the Revisions tab of the policy you selected. In the Claims table, you can view the claims in which the contact is listed as the agent. When you select a claim from the table, BriteCore will direct you to the Information tab of the claim you selected.