Classic BriteCore and BriteSuite are integrated with Google Maps mapping solution.
Note: The Google Maps integration works with the SmartyStreets integration.
BriteCore uses Google Maps as a geocoding service. Geocoding refers to locations using latitude and longitude, which is more accurate than describing a location’s address using street names.
The Google Maps integration offers several benefits:
- Connects BriteCore policies with Google Maps geocoding.
- Makes risk assessment much easier and more accurate.
- Pinpoints asset location using longitude and latitude.
Note: The latitude and longitude can be hidden from agents.
- Enhances risk assessment accuracy for natural calamities, such as earthquakes, floods, and hurricanes.
- Increases data management efficiency.
- Improves coverage pricing for local offices and consignments.
- Provides AutoComplete functionality:
- The AutoComplete functionality is a typeahead search that's triggered when you type a street address in address line 1. As you type the street address, a list of suggested addresses appears. When you select one of the suggested addresses, the remaining address information is automatically prefilled.
Note: After the location information is prefilled, if applicable, you can type the apt/unit number.
The Google Maps typeahead search isn't available in classic BriteCore.