The ISO A-PLUS integration provides property and casualty underwriters with valuable information. A-PLUS furnishes insurance companies’ property and liability claims data for evaluating property/casualty insurance underwriting.
The ISO integration consists of two parts:
- Contributing claim data.
- Ordering loss history reports.
Note: To order reports, you must contribute to ISO’s A-PLUS database.
BriteCore setup
Get started
To get started:
- Contact Verisk ISO A-PLUS.
- Complete the required Verisk ISO A-PLUS paperwork.
Note: For claims history, ISO prefers to receive a file containing a 5–7 year claim history. If you don’t have 5–7 years’ worth of history, you may need to make special arrangements with ISO.
- When ISO assigns you a project manager, they will provide:
- An A-PLUS FTP User Guide.
- The A-PLUS Property Casualty Reporting Specifications.
- An A-PLUS New Customer Profile:
- For Data Transmission, select FTP (Secure FTP using HTTPS).
- For Technical Contact, contact BriteCore.
- The A-PLUS Data Quality Assurance Process.
- ISO will provide the following information for accessing their secure FTP site:
- Your account number (your AM Best number).
- Your username.
- Your password.
- Complete ISO’s IIX Subscription Agreement.
Notes: Typically, you receive this document after the above documents are completed.
- Set up your lines of business in BriteCore. Determine whether you will implement a claim’s surcharge or credit.
- Familiarize yourself with BriteCore System Tags.
Account for loss history reports
During the setup, iiX will establish an account for you to order loss history reports. You will use these credentials with ISO Credit Scoring since both services connect via IIX.
Note: Since this account is through IIX, the credentials will differ from those you use to contribute claim data through ISO A-PLUS.
Set up vendors
For ISO A-PLUS, you will need to set up two vendors in BriteCore:
- ISO A-PLUS Reporting
- ISO Loss History
ISO A-PLUS Reporting
To set up ISO A-PLUS Reporting:
- In the BriteCore menu, select Settings.
- In the Settings menu, select Vendors.
- On the Vendors screen, under Risk Assessment, select ISO A-PLUS Reporting.
- Next to ISO A-PLUS Reporting, select the edit icon
- In the ISO A-PLUS Reporting dialog box, complete the following steps:
- In the Account Number box, type your account number.
- In the Sub-Account Number box, type your sub-account number.
- In the Username box, type your username.
- In the Password box, type your password.
Note: You can only edit your password the first time.
- Select the applicable setting options.
- Select Done.
ISO Loss History
Note: Only one type of loss history reporting can be enabled.
To set up ISO Loss History:
- In the BriteCore menu, select Settings.
- In the Settings menu, select Vendors.
- On the Vendors screen, under Risk Assessment, select ISO Loss History.
- Next to ISO Loss History, select the edit icon
- In the ISO Loss History dialog box, complete the following steps:
- In the Account Number box, type your account number.
- In the Sub-Account Number box, type your sub-account number.
- In the Username box, type your username.
- In the Password box, type your password.
Note: You can only edit your password the first time.
- If you want to bypass demo credentials on test sites, select Bypass Demo Credentials (Test Sites Only).
- Select Done.
System Tags
Once you have created your lines of business in BriteCore, you can tag them with System Tags.
To tag lines of business:
- In the BriteCore menu, select Settings.
- In the Settings menu, select System Wide, and then select System Tags.
- Reference the A-Plus Property Output Specifications document.
Note: Ensure the A-Plus Property Output Specifications document is the same edition you received from ISO. If the editions are different, use the newest version provided by ISO.
- In the Select a Tag dropdown list, select ISO A-Plus.
- In the Select an Effective Date dropdown list, select the applicable effective date.
- In the Policy Types list, navigate to the Line you want to tag, and then, in the box, type the tag name.
Note: Tag your lines of business according to pages 16 and 17 of the A-Plus Property Output Specifications document.
The perils in the update statement are those identified by ISO in their A-PLUS Property/Casualty Reporting Specifications document, Appendix B – Loss Types, starting on page 17.
Note: Compare the edition on file to what ISO provided. ISO may have updated their loss types/loss causes/perils.
You can add perils in either the Provider Administrative portal.
Note: BriteCore staff can also add perils to the database.
Administrative portal
To add perils in either the Administrative portal:
- In the BriteCore menu, select Claims.
- In the Claims menu, selectComponents, and then select Perils.
- On the Vendors screen, select the Add a New Peril icon
- In the Peril dialog box, complete the following steps:
- In the New Peril box, type the name of the peril.
- In the Code box, type the peril code.
- In the ISO APlus Code box, type the ISO A-PLUS code.
- Select Done.
- To add additional perils, repeat steps 3 and 4.
BriteCore processing
Process a claim
When an internal staff member processes a claim, ensure the claim has both the claims-header-type and ISO APLUS Transaction Type designated.
Note: The advanced setting claims-header-type determines whether the Policy Type or Claim Type is displayed in the header of the claim below Status. If Claim Type is displayed, either Property Claim or Liability Claim will display under the claim Status. If Policy Type is displayed, then the type of policy will appear under the claim Status.
To set the claims-header-type advanced setting to Claim Type:
- In the BriteCore menu, select Settings.
- In the Settings menu, select Advanced.
- On the Advanced Settings screen, in the Search for a Setting box, type claims-header-type, and then select Search.
- In the claims-header-type box, select Claim Type.
To select an ISO APLUS Transaction Type:
- In the BriteCore menu, select Claims.
- On the Claims screen, in the Search box, type the name of the claim, and then select Go.
- In the results list, select the applicable claim.
- On the Information screen, in the Policy Information section, under ISO APLUS Transaction Type, select either Individual (I) or Business (B).
Note: In the ISO A-Plus Reporting file sent to Verisk (ISO A-Plus Reporting), Individual is represented as "I" and Business is represented as "B" in the report.
Month-end processing
At the beginning of a new month, you will need to generate a report for the previous month.
To generate a report for the previous month:
- In the BriteCore menu, select Policies.
- In the Policies menu, select Processing.
- On the Processing screen, select ISO A-Plus.
- In the ISO A-Plus box, complete the following steps:
- In the MM box, type the number of the month of the report you want to generate.
- In the YYYY box, type the number of the year of the report you want to generate.
- Select Generate Monthly Report.
Note: If reportable claim data exists, a file will be generated for the previous month. If there isn’t reportable claim data for the previous month, a file won’t be generated.
- Select the report link to review the data.
Note: The report data appears in a text file and follows the ISO A-PLUS Property/Casualty Reporting Specifications, which you can view in the A-PLUS Property Reporting Layout section of the ISO A-PLUS Property/Casualty Reporting Specifications document.
- Select Send Monthly Report. Only the report for the selected month/year will be sent.
Note: Once the file is successfully sent, the word Sent will appear after the file name. All ISO files will remain in the queue indefinitely.
Loss history
Agents and internal staff members can request a loss history report.
To request a loss history report:
- In the BriteCore menu, select Policies.
- On the Policies screen, in the Search for a Policy box, type the name of the applicable policy, and then select Search.
- In the results list, select the policy.
- In the Policy menu, select Property.
- On the Property screen, in the Loss History section, select Get Current Loss History.
- In the Claims History dialog box, verify the first and last name of each contact appears correctly, and then select Get Current Loss History.
Note: If there isn’t a loss history, only a Report Number and Loss History date will appear. If there is a loss history, data will populate the Vendor Reported table.
- To request a loss history report for additional risks, repeat steps 5 and 6.