After going live with ISO A-PLUS, you can:
- Submit a test file.
- Submit a final file.
Submit a test file
After completing the ISO A-PLUS BriteCore setup, you can submit a test file.
Note: Before submitting a test file, ensure you added your ISO A-PLUS Reporting account number during the setup.
To generate and submit a test file:
- In the BriteCore menu, select Policies.
- In the Policies menu, select Processing.
- On the Processing screen, select ISO A-Plus.
- In the ISO A-Plus box, complete the following steps:
- In the MM box, type the number of the month of the report you want to generate.
- In the YYYY box, type the number of the year of the report you want to generate.
- Select Generate Monthly Report.
- Select the file, copy the file’s contents, and then paste the contents into a TXT file.
- Save the TXT file with the same name as it appears in BriteCore.
Example: File name: APPROP.20140930.BC.
- In Firefox, navigate to
- On the Axway SecureTransport screen, using your ISO credentials, log in to SecureTransport.
- In SecureTransport, upload the TXT file.
Submit a final file
Note: Before you proceed, follow the instructions above to generate all of the files for the previous month.
Once ISO approves the test file, you can submit the final file.
Note: Since the ISO A-PLUS integration uses the claim_change_log, which didn’t exist until November 2013, you can submit only claim history after that date to ISO.
To generate and submit each final file:
- Copy the file’s contents, and then paste the contents into a TXT file.
- Save the TXT file with the same name as it appears in BriteCore.
Example: File name: APPROP.20140930.BC.
- In Firefox, navigate to
- On the Axway SecureTransport screen, using your ISO credentials, log in to SecureTransport.
- In SecureTransport, upload the TXT file.
- Repeat this process for each of the previous month’s files.
Next steps
ISO will schedule a meeting with you to review the files.