The generated ISO A-PLUS report contains the latest status of each claim that had certain changes during the reporting period.
Which claims will be included in this report?
- Claims that were opened or reopened in the period.
- Claims that were previously opened or reopened, and were closed or archived during the period (reported with the status flag C).
- Claims that were previously opened or reopened, and were changed during the period. Those changes include:
- Added/changed a policy to the claim
- Added/changed loss date
- Added/changed date reported
- Added/changed loss cause
- Added/changed coverage
- Added/changed named insured
- Added/changed loss address
- Added/changed agent
- Added/changed claimant
- Added/changed loss reserve
- Added/changed legal reserve
- Added/changed adjustment reserve
- Added/changed adjuster
- Added/changed payments
- Claim was deleted (is reported with update flag R).
Which claims won't be included?
- Claims not actioned in the period.
- Claims that were only changed from Closed status to Archived status in the period.
- Claims that were closed and the loss date (or any other change in the claim itself) was updated.
- Claims that are uncommitted or Pending the end of the period.
- Claims that were changed from a Closed status to another Closed status.
Figure 1 represents which changes are reported and which ones aren't:
- Green = Reported/included
- Red = Not reported/included