You can use the database to quickly find out which forms exist on a line of business. In the database, forms are attached to either the policy type (x_policy_types_docs) or the line item (x_policy_type_items_docs). You can use the queries below as a starting point.
Important: In each query, on the Where line, update the effectiveDate = '2015-02-12 UPDATE ME'. Forms aren't directly tied to an effective date in the database.
To locate forms at the policy type level:
- In the database, follow this path: `files > policy_type_items (line items only) > policy_types > effective_dates`.
- Input the following query:
SELECT xpt.formCode, editionNumber, xpt.description, AS Policy Type FROM x_policy_types_docs AS xpt JOIN files ON = xpt.fileId JOIN policy_types AS pt ON = files.referenceId JOIN effective_dates ON = pt.effectiveId WHERE effectiveDate = '2015-02-12 UPDATE ME' ORDER BY formCode |
Locate forms at the line item level
To locate forms at the line item level:
- In the database, follow this path: `files > policy_type_items (line items only) > policy_types > effective_dates`.
- Input the following query:
SELECT xpt.formCode, editionNumber, xpt.description, pti.type, AS Line Item Name, pti.description, pti.displayOnDecAs, AS Policy Type
FROM x_policy_type_items_docs AS xpt JOIN files ON = xpt.fileId JOIN policy_type_items AS pti ON = files.referenceId JOIN policy_types ON = pti.policyTypeId JOIN effective_dates ON = policy_types.effectiveId WHERE effectiveDate = '2015-02-12 UPDATE ME' ORDER BY formCode; |
Note: Forms aren't directly tied to an effective date in the database.