A contact’s role may change. In addition to adding a new role, you can delete obsolete roles. You can delete a contact’s role within the Role section of the Information tab.
To delete a contact’s role, open the desired contact and:
- In the Role section, make sure the role you want to delete is displayed. If a contact has more than one role, and the role you want to delete isn’t displayed, do the following:
- Select the role you want to delete from the Role section dropdown list.
- The Confirm pop-up window will open asking Do you wish to save any changes to this role?. Select Yes to save changes. Select No to continue without saving changes.
- Select the red X next to Delete this Role.
- The Confirm pop-up window will open asking Are you certain you want to delete this role?. Select Yes to delete the role. Select No or the X to return to the Information tab without deleting the role.