An additional interest is an individual or organization named in, but not covered by, an insurance policy. The system notifies the additional interest when changes to a policy occur. You can add an additional interest in the Contacts and Policies modules. To add an additional interest in the Policies module, see Adding or updating contacts on a policy.
To add an additional interest, open the desired contact and:
- In the Role section, select Add a Role to open the Role dialog box.
- In the Role dropdown list, select Additional Interest.
- Select Done to close the dialog box and return to the Role section.
- Select Save beneath the Role dropdown list. A Save Completed pop-up window will appear.
- In the Direct Claim Activity To dropdown list, select the email address to which all claim activity should be sent. When you select an email address the Also CC box will appear.
- In the Also CC box, type any additional email address(es) that will receive claim activity emails. If you enter more than one email address, use commas to separate the email addresses.
- In the Email Address to Use dropdown list, select an email address to use for the policy documents. When you select an email address, you enable the Accept Policy Documents Electronically checkbox and the Also CC box appears.
- Check the Accept Policy Documents Electronically checkbox if the additional interest will receive policy documents electronically.
- In the Also CC text box, type any additional email address(es) that will receive the policy documents electronically. If you enter more than one email address, use commas to separate the email addresses.
- When you're finished entering information, select Save. A Save Completed pop-up window will appear. If you select Cancel, BriteCore won't save the entered information.
Usage consideration
In the Claims table, you can view the claims in which the contact is identified as an additional interest. When you select a claim from the table, BriteCore will direct you to the claim's Information tab.