With the Contacts advanced setting entity-types-required-for-credit-report, you can determine the legal entity types that will have credit reports pulled by entering the types in the entity-types-required-for-credit-report list. The entity-types-required-for-credit-report advanced setting works with the legal-entity-types advanced setting or Legal Entity Types setting. The types that are identified in the entity-types-required-for-credit-report box refer to the types indicated in the legal-entity-types or Legal Entity Types JSON object.
This setting requires a comma-separated list of legal entity types.
Setting default
This setting's default value is blank, so by default it’s undetermined which legal entity types will have credit reports pulled.
Changing the default
To change the default, navigate to Settings > Advanced and search for entity-types-for-credit-report. Type the legal entity type(s) that will have credit reports pulled. If you require more than one type, use commas to separate the types.
Adoption considerations
For the entity-types-required-for-credit-reports advanced setting to prompt credit reports for specific legal entity types, the following must occur:
- In Settings > Modules > Contacts in the Active Fields in BriteCore section, the Legal Entity Types checkbox must be selected.
- In Settings > Modules > Contacts, the Legal Entity Types box must include a JSON object of the identified legal entity types. You can also check the legal-entity-types advanced setting to ensure it includes a JSON object of the identified legal entity types.
- In the required-fields advanced setting, set the legalEntityType to true in both BriteQuote and BriteCore.
Additional topics of interest
- Active Fields in BriteCore
- Legal Entity Types
- legal-entity-types
- required-field