You can set up and customize these prebuilt claim deliverables:
- Claim Acknowledgment Letter
- Loss Notice
Claim Acknowledgment Letter
The Claim Acknowledgment Letter generates automatically on the applicable policy and claim when a claim’s status is set to Open, Standard.
To add text to the Claim Acknowledgment Letter:
- Navigate to Settings > Deliverables.
- Navigate to the Mass Deliverables section and locate the Claim Acknowledgment Letter.
- Select the pencil edit icon. The Mass Deliverable Setup dialog box will open.
- Select the green + next to Add a Text Area. A text box will open.
- Type the text you want to appear in the Claim Acknowledgment Letter.
- Select Save.
Add a signature block
To add a signature block to the Claim Acknowledgment Letter:
- Navigate to Settings > Deliverables
- Navigate to the Mass Deliverables section and locate the Claim Acknowledgment Letter.
- Select the pencil edit icon. The Mass Deliverable Setup dialog box will open.
- Select the green + next to Add a Signature Block. The Signature Block will open.
- Type the Introduction and Signature Label in the corresponding boxes.
- Select Save.
Claim Acknowledgment Letter usage considerations
You can build out the Claim Acknowledgment Letter with alternating text blocks and signature blocks. To do this, you must add the text blocks and signature blocks in the order you want them to appear.
Print Claim Acknowledgment Letter
By default, the Claim Acknowledgment Letter doesn’t print. To print the Claim Acknowledgment Letter, navigate to Settings > Advanced and search for print-claim-acknowledgment. Change the setting from False to True. When Claim Acknowledgment Letters are created, the print status in the claim’s Attachments folder will now be To Be Determined, instead of Do Not Print.
Loss Notice
The Loss Notice provides summary information intended for adjusters. It's generated by a user or an individual claim by selecting the Custom Deliverable button.
Set up Loss Notice
To set up a Loss Notice:
- Navigate to Settings > Deliverables.
- Navigate to Mass Deliverables > Custom Deliverables and locate Loss Notice.
- Select the pencil icon to edit. The Mass Deliverable Setup dialog box will open.
- Edit the Loss Notice by:
- Select the relevant checkboxes, such as Send the most recent version of the Declarations page in relation to the loss date of the claim., if you want to send Declarations with the Loss Notices.
- Edit the text area using Jinja and HTML.
- If you want to allow agents and agencies to generate the Loss Notice in BriteQuote, select the Allow agents/agencies to generate this deliverable in BriteQuote. checkbox under Options.
- Select Save.
Hide Loss Notice
This deliverable is intended for adjusters, and you may not want to make it available to agents.
To hide this deliverable from agents:
- Navigate to Settings > Advanced.
- Search for hide-loss-notice-to-agent-agency.
- Change the setting from False to True.