With the claim-submission-detailed-email advanced setting, you can enable a more detailed version of the claim submission email to be sent. You can also select to add a list of deliverables to the claim submission email.
This setting requires True and False buttons.
Setting default
By default, claim-submission-detailed-email is set to False. When a claim submission email is sent the body looks like this:
Claim <Claim number> has just been submitted. Logged in User: <Name of logged in user> Reporting Agent: <Name of reporting agent> <URL of where claim was submitted>
Changing the default
To change the default, navigate to Settings > Advanced and search for claim-submission-detailed-email. Change the setting to True. When a claim submission email is sent, the body will look like this:
Claim <Claim number> has just been submitted. Logged in User: <Name of logged in user> Reporting Agent: <Name of reporting agent> <URL of where claim was submitted> Policy Number - <Policy number> Insured Name - <Name of insured> Claim Number - <Claim number> Date of Loss - <Loss Date> Agent - <Agent/Agency name> Submitted by - <Name of person who submitted claim> CONTACT INFORMATION Best Contact Phone - <Phone number> Best Contact Email - <Email address> LOSS SUMMARY Loss Cause - <Loss causes attached to claim> Loss Description - <Text from claim's Description box> Loss Address - <Loss address> County - <County of loss address> Additional Information: <Text from Additional Information box>
If you have elected to add deliverables to the claim submission email, the attachments will appear below the recipient's email address.
Adoption considerations
The claim-submission-detailed-email advanced setting doesn't conflict with other advanced settings. To attach deliverables to the claim submission email with the claim-submission-includes-deliverables advanced setting, claim-submission-detailed-email must be set to True.
Additional topics
- Claim submission includes deliverables