With the fnol-like-claim-submission, you can choose to submit a claim in the Provider Administrator portal in the same way you submit a first notice of loss (FNOL) in the Agent portal. When this setting is enabled, a Submit button will appear in the claim header of an unsubmitted claim in place of the Claim Status.
This setting requires a True or False button.
Setting default
By default, fnol-like-claim-submission is set to False, so the Submit button doesn't appear in the Provider Administrator portal, and instead, you can set and change the claim status.
Changing the default
To change the default, navigate to Settings > Advanced and search for fnol-like-claim-submission. Change the setting value to True. The Submit button will appear in the claim header of an unsubmitted claim in the Provider Administrator portal.
Adoption considerations
This setting doesn't conflict with other settings. When this setting is enabled before you can submit a claim in the Provider Administrator portal, you must ensure a Loss Date, Loss Time, and Description fields are completed. After these fields are completed, you can submit a claim.