With the claim-submission-includes-deliverables advanced setting, you can indicate which deliverables you want to have attached to the claim submission email.
This setting requires you to type a list of deliverables in the Setting Value box. If typing more than one deliverable, use commas to separate the list.
Setting default
By default, claim-submission-includes-deliverables is blank, so no deliverables are attached to the claim submission email.
Changing the default
To change the default, navigate to Settings > Advanced and search for claim-submission-includes-deliverables. Type the list of deliverables you want to attach to claim submission emails, such as the Declaration or the Claim Acknowledgement Letter. If you're typing more than one deliverable, use commas to separate the list.
Adoption considerations
The claim-submission-includes-deliverables advanced setting doesn't conflict with any other advanced settings. This setting depends on the claim-submission-detailed-email advanced setting to be set to True, however. If you type a list of deliverables in the claim-submission-includes-deliverables Setting Value box and the claim-submission-detailed-email setting is set to False, those deliverables won't be attached to the claim submission email.
Additional topics
- Claim submission detailed email