In the Catastrophes screen of the Claims module, you can add catastrophes and manage catastrophes that are in the system. To access the Catastrophes screen, select Components from the Claims menu, then select Catastrophes from the Components dropdown list.
Figure 1: View of the Catastrophes screen.
Catastrophes screen fields
- Catastrophes table - The Catastrophes table displays all existing catastrophes in the system. The list displays the name of the catastrophe, the time and date of the catastrophe, the codes or perils associated with the catastrophe, and depending on your settings, the PCS codes of the codes or perils associated with the catastrophe and the location of the catastrophe.
- Add a New Catastrophe + - The Add a New Catastrophe + button opens the Catastrophe dialog box, where you can add a new catastrophe.
- Pencil icon - The pencil icon opens the Catastrophe dialog box of the catastrophe the pencil icon is next to. You can edit the catastrophe in the Catastrophe dialog box.
- Red X - The red X allows you to remove a catastrophe from the Catastrophes list.
Catastrophes screen actions
In the Catastrophes screen you can:
Usage consideration
The advanced setting catastrophes-location-field enables catastrophes to have a location field when adding, editing, or viewing a catastrophe. The advanced setting catastrophes-pcs-code-field enables catastrophes to have a PCS code field when adding, editing, or viewing a catastrophe. A PCS code is a serial number assigned to a catastrophe. When a loss event is investigated and determined to meet the criteria for a catastrophe, Property Claim Services assigns a serial number, which can be referenced throughout the insurance industry.