With the payment-options advanced setting, you can select to display additional fields while completing a claim transaction: Address and Memo. You can also designate a character limit for the memo line.
To display a field, this setting requires a JSON object where the name is a command followed by the field name, such as showAddress, and the value is True or False. To determine the maximum character limit for the memo line, this setting requires a JSON object where the name is maxMemoLength and the value is a number.
Setting default
By default, the JSON object values for the fields are False and the JSON object value for the maximum character limit is 0, so BriteCore doesn't display the Address and Memo while completing a claim transaction.
Changing the default
To change the default, navigate to Settings > Advanced and search for payment-options. In the JSON object, change the values for showAddress and showMemo to True, and change the value for maxMemoLength from 0 to another number. BriteCore will now display the Address and Memo fields while completing a claim transaction, and the memo will have the character limit indicated by the number you chose for maxMemoLength.