The Accounts Receivable screen in the Agent portal displays the policy header, the Billing Overview tab, and the Billing Setup tab. Information for a specific policy is organized between the two tabs: Billing Overview and Billing Setup.
Policy header
The policy header is static, so when you scroll on either tab of the Accounts Receivable screen, the policy header will remain at the top of the screen. If you are working on multiple policies, the static policy header provides an easy reminder of which policy you're currently working on.
Figure 1: The header on the new Accounts Receivable screen.
The policy header includes the following:
- Named insured: The named insured is prominently displayed.
- Policy Status: The status of the policy will display directly beneath the named insured. The status of a policy is indicated by the status label and the color of the accompanying circle. For example, if the policy status is Active, then a green circle will appear next to the label Active.
- Policy Term: The current policy term is displayed directly beneath the policy status.
- Policy Type: The Policy Type section is located next to Policy Term and indicates the type of policy.
- Renewal Status: The Renewal Status section indicates if the policy will renew or not.
- Length: The Length displays the term length of the policy. For example, if a policy is effective from 01/01/2021 to 01/01/2022, then 1 Year will appear under Length because the policy term is 1 year.
- Inception date: The Inception date displays the date that the policy initially began.
Billing Overview
The Billing Overview is the first of two tabbed views on the Accounts Receivable screen and is split into three prominent sections: Policy Details, Balance Details, and Account History.
Figure 2: The Billing Overview tab, which displays the Policy Details, Balance Details, and Account History sections.
Policy Details
The Policy Details section provides the following information about the policy:
- Agent/Agency: Displays the name of the agent or agency on the policy.
- Mortgagee: If applicable, displays the name of the mortgagee on the policy.
- Total Non-Pays: Displays the number of non-pays on the policy.
- Claims: Displays the number of claims filed against the policy.
- Premium Breakdown: The Premium Breakdown subsection provides details about the premium of a policy:
- Total Written Premium: The total amount written, not earned, for the policy term.
- Premium Billed to Date: Amount of premium billed from the beginning of the policy term to today.
- Custom Fees Billed to Date: Fees, outside of system fees, were billed from the beginning of the policy term to today.
- System Fees Billed to Date: Fees billed from the beginning of the policy term to today.
- Total Paid to Date: Total amount paid from the beginning of the policy term to today.
- Agency Commission: Amount billed for commission.
- Payoff Amount: Amount of remaining premium and installment fees.
Note: Agency Commission isn't calculated in the Payoff Amount.
Balance Details
The Balance Details section includes information about the current amount due, due date, and cancel date. From here, you can also make a payment and view the installment schedule.
- Make a Payment: The Make a Payment button is used with either the Currently Due or the Other radio button. When you select Make a Payment after choosing to either pay the current amount due or another amount, the Make Payment dialog box will open. You can then choose the payment method you want to make.
- Installment Schedule: When you select the Installment Schedule link, the Installment Schedule dialog box will open and display the Total Written Premium and how it is distributed across installments.
Account History
In the Account History section, the Show future invoices checkbox is enabled and accessible, and you can view and access the revision history.
- Show future invoices: By default, the future invoices are hidden from the Account History table. When you select the Show future invoices checkbox, the future invoices will populate in the Account History table.
- Show Revision History: When you select the Show Revision History link, you will be directed to the Revision History screen, where you can view all changes made to the policy.
The Account History section now displays the following columns in the Account History table:
- Processed: Displays the date a transaction took place or, for future invoices, the date a transaction is scheduled to take place.
- Type: Displays the type of transaction, such as Invoice, Payment, NSF, or Return Premium. If a deliverable was generated for the transaction, it will be linked in the Type column. Select the link to view a PDF copy of the deliverable in a new tab.
- Debit: Displays the dollar amount of the debit transaction.
- Credit: Displays the dollar amount of the credit transaction.
- Trailing Balance: Displays the dollar amount due as of that date, including any unbilled installment fees.
- Summary: Displays comments entered when the transaction was processed.
Billing Setup
The Billing Setup tab consists of the Billing Maintenance section, which includes the following subsections: Invoice Frequency, Withdraw Funds When, Invoice Due Date, Recurring Billing Contact, and Initial Billing Contact. The options selected in Invoice Frequency, Withdraw Funds When, and Invoice Due Date subsections apply to both the recurring and initial payments.
Figure 3: The Billing Setup tab displaying the Invoice Frequency, Withdraw Funds When, Invoice Due Date, Recurring Billing Contact, and Initial Bill Contact sections.
Note: By default, agents can access and view the Billing Setup tab, but can't edit information in the Billing Setup tab.
To restrict the Billing Setup tab for agents, the advanced setting restrict-agent-billing-setup must be enabled. To allow agents to access and edit information in the Billing Setup tab, the section(s) agents are allowed to access need to be listed in the agent-available-billing-setup advanced setting.
Invoice Frequency
Invoice Frequency displays the current invoice frequency and billing schedule for the policy. For example, if the Invoice Frequency selection is Annual, then the premium is billed once per year and the billing schedule is Annual.
Withdraw Funds When
The Withdraw Funds When section displays when funds are withdrawn from the account of the individual or organization billed for initial or recurring payments.
Invoice Due Date
The Invoice Due Date displays when the payment is due for all invoices. There are two options in the Invoice Due Date section, the default date and the custom date (which is selected from the dropdown list).
Recurring Billing Contact
This section applies only to recurring payments, and it contains information about the person or organization that will be billed for recurring payments.
The Recurring Billing Contact section contains the following fields:
- Recipient: Displays the individual or organization that will be billed for recurring payments.
- Address: Displays the recipient's mailing/billing address.
- Payment Method: Displays the current payment method used for billing.
- Add/Edit payment method: If allowed to edit or add payment methods, when you select Add, the Payment Method dialog box will open, where you can add new payment information. When you select Edit, the Payment Method dialog box for the method displayed in the Payment Method dropdown list will open. You can make any necessary updates in this dialog box.
Note: If a manual payment method is displayed in the Payment Method dropdown list, then the Edit link will be disabled.
Initial Bill Contact
This section applies only to the initial payment, and it contains information about the person or organization that will be billed for the initial payment.
The Initial Bill Contact section contains the following fields:
- Send initial bill to a different contact: This checkbox must be selected to allow edits to the Initial Bill Contact section.
- Recipient: Displays the individual or organization that will be billed for the initial payment.
- Address: Displays the recipient's mailing/billing address.
- Payment Method: Displays the current payment method used for billing.
- Edit: Allows users to edit the payment method currently displayed. The ability to edit depends on if the Send initial bill to a different contact checkbox is selected, and it depends on settings.
Note: If a manual payment method is displayed in the Payment Method dropdown list, then the Edit link will be disabled.
Legacy Accounts Receivable screen
At the bottom of the Accounts Receivable screen, in both the Billing Overview and Billing Setup views, you can select the Go to Legacy Page link to reopen the older view of the Accounts Receivable screen.