In the Provider Administrator portal, the Underwriting screen in Quote Version 2 resembles the Underwriter screen in the Agent portal Quote Version 2.
- The Quote Version 2 settings and configuration will determine if the Underwriting screen appears. When the Underwriting screen appears, it will typically appear before the Billing screen.
- The Underwriting screen contains an Underwriting Review section that states one of the following:
- The quote is approved.
- The quote requires further review.
- On the Underwriting screen, you have the option to:
- Continue to Bind: When you select Continue to Bind, BriteCore will direct you to the Billing screen, where you can add billing information and continue processing the quote.
- Back to Quote Details: When you select Back to Quote Details, BriteCore will return you to the Risks screen, where you can update information about the insured risk, such as the physical location of the risk.
- Discard Quote: When you select Discard Quote, in the dialog box, select either Remove or Save for later.
- If you select Remove, the quote will be removed and it won't appear in the Policies list, and you will be directed to the Policy Types screen, where you can quote a new policy.
- If you select Save for later, the quote will appear in the Policies list, and you will be directed to the Policy Types screen, where you can quote a new policy.
- Start a New Quote: When you select Start a New Quote, BriteCore will direct you to the Policy Types screen.
- Return to Dashboard: When you select Return to Dashboard, BriteCore will direct you to the BriteCore Dashboard.