Additional interests, agencies, agency groups, agents, and named insureds can receive email notices about policies and claims activities. You can set up email notifications for these roles in the Role section of the Information tab.
To set up email notifications, open the desired contact and:
- Ensure the correct role is displayed in the Role dropdown list.
- If the correct role isn’t displayed:
- Select the role you want to set up email notifications for.
- The Confirm dialog box will open asking Do you wish to save any changes to this role?. Select Yes to save changes. Select No to continue without saving changes.
- If the correct role isn’t displayed:
- Navigate to Notices in the Role section.
- To receive notices about claim activity, select an email address from the Direct Claim Activity To dropdown list. The Also CC box will open.
- In the Also CC box, type any additional email address(es) that will receive the claim activity notices. If you enter more than one email address, use commas to separate them.
- To receive policy documents electronically, select an email address from the Email Address to Use dropdown list. The Also CC box will open.
- In the Also CC box, type any additional email address(es) that will receive the policy documents. If you enter more than one email address, use commas to separate them.
- Select the Accept Policy Documents Electronically checkbox.
- To receive notices about claim activity, select an email address from the Direct Claim Activity To dropdown list. The Also CC box will open.
- Select Save at the bottom of the Role section. A Save Completed pop-up window will open. If you select Cancel, all information entered will be deleted.