The Information screen of the Contacts module opens by default when a contact is selected from the contacts list or when the New Individual or New Organization buttons are selected. The Information screen holds all contact information, role information, and important reminders about a contact. In the Information screen, you can complete fields to add a new individual contact and to add a new organization contact. You can also complete fields to add a role to a contact.
In addition to adding contact and role information, you can:
- Complete the New Contact dialog box for an individual.
- Complete the New Contact dialog box for an organization.
- Edit contact information.
- Edit a contact photo.
- Edit background information.
- Edit system tags.
- Edit dates to remember.
- Edit a contact’s role.
- Delete contact information.
- Delete background information.
- Delete system tags.
- Delete dates to remember.
- Delete a contact’s role.
- Impersonate a contact.
- Track an agent's license expiration.
- Add all agencies to a contact.
- Remove all agencies from a contact.
- Pull a new credit score and report.
- Set up email notifications.
- View an insured's insurance information.