You can generate documents automatically in BriteCore when you set up custom workflows. Custom workflow creation involves how you set up the Quotes, Policies, Claims, and Rules modules during configuration/implementation to interact with one another in your site.
- Declaration: Commit revision (admin user or system)
Initial Billing Statement:
- Commit revision on a new business policy (admin user)
- Change billing schedule (admin user)
- Edit and Reprint an invoice (admin user)
Renewal Billing Statement:
- Commit revision on a renewal policy (admin user or system)
- Change billing schedule (admin user)
- Edit and Reprint an invoice (admin user)
Installment Billing Statement:
- Commit revision on a policy with an installment billing schedule (admin user or system)
- Change billing schedule (admin user)
- Edit and Reprint an invoice (admin user)
- Amended Billing Statement: Commit endorsement revision with premium increase (admin user)
- Cancellation Billing Statement: Select cancel Policy button (admin user). This setting must be enabled under the Policy Lifecycle Settings.
- Notice of Non-Renewal: Set policy to Non-Renewal then notification date comes to pass (admin user then system)
- Notice of Cancellation: Select the Cancel Policy button (admin user)
- Notice of Cancellation Non-Payment of Premium: Invoice due date comes to pass and amount due is above cancellation threshold (system)
- Confirmation of Cancellation: Cancel date comes to pass (system)
- Notice of Reinstatement: Select Reinstate Policy button on a cancelled policy (not cancellation pending) (admin user)
- Pre-Authorized Payment Schedule: Set up policy on auto-pay (admin user then system)
Return Premium Notice:
- Cancel date comes to pass (system)
- Select the Cancel Policy button and cancel the policy (admin user)
- Quote Summary: Select the Print Quote Summary button (agent)
Policy Application:
- Select the Print Application button (agent)
- Select the Submit Application button (agent)
- Continuation of Coverage - Non-Pay: Payment is received against a policy in cancellation pending for non-pay (user)
- Continuation of Coverage - Other: Select the Reinstate Policy button when a policy is in cancellation pending (admin user)
- Reminder Notice - Renewal Billing Offer: Sent in place of the notice of cancellation for non-pay when the invoice due date is reached (system)
- Endorsement Summary: The setting Generate_endorsement_summary has to be set to TRUE and the User commits and endorsement revision on policy (admin user)
- Payoff Balance Summary: Select Custom Deliverable button on a policy (admin user)
- Combined Billing Statement: Policies are linked and invoices for those policies print on the same date (system)
- Insured Letter: Select Custom Deliverable button on a policy (admin user)
- Claim Acknowledgement Letter: Set claim to Open, Standard (admin user)
- Loss Notice: Select the Custom Deliverable button on a claim (admin user)
- Notification of Property Reinsurance Loss: Select the Custom Deliverable button on a claim (admin user)
- Insurance Scoring Notification: Select the Custom Deliverable button on a policy (admin user)