BriteCore's documents functionality manages deliverables‚ documents generated as a part of the quote/policy/claim lifecycle. BriteCore provides carriers with standard deliverables and allows them to add their logo and carrier-specific fields to them.
Documents are static rendered files, typically delivered in .pdf format, though other formats, such as .html or .docx, can be used. Generated documents and uploaded files are stored in Attachments. Deliverables generated by BriteCore are stored here automatically. Other files can be uploaded by policyholders, agents, and carrier users, and then stored in this module.
BriteCore Deliverables
BriteCore includes numerous stock deliverables. It also enables the creation of custom deliverables via HTML/Jinja that have the same look and feel as stock deliverables, but with custom content. Fully customizable documents are possible, as well.
Note: All deliverables are specific to states. Therefore, customizations made in one state won't be reflected on the same deliverable under another state.
BriteCore's Classic deliverables functionality offers:
Stock deliverables
- Available out of the box.
- Cover basic policy lifecycle.
- Some deliverables have fixed components.
- Allows minor customization and the addition of paragraphs and signatures.
Custom deliverables
Custom deliverables allow a user to create documents that address use cases not covered by the stock deliverables using HTML/Jinja. Jinja is an open-source templating language used to build custom and deliverables.
Custom templates (
Written in HTML/CSS/Jinja, deliverables are fully customizable.