BriteCore provides a variety of billing fees you can establish and set up for your company.
Non-Pay fees
Clients can determine the fees that will be applied when a policy enters non-pay cancellation. There are two non-pay fees that the client can choose to apply, the Non-Pay Fee and the Continuation Fee.
- Non-Pay Fee: The Non-Pay Fee is a global fee; it reflects the amount charged when a policy enters non-pay cancellation pending on any invoice unless the Charge $0.00 on Non-Pays For Renewal Invoices setting is enabled.
- Continuation Fee: A Continuation Fee is an additional amount charged when a policy enters non-pay cancellation pending on any invoice. This fee serves as a way to preemptively bill a reinstatement fee. Though the Continuation Fee is assessed at the same time as the Non-Pay Fee, it differs in the following ways:
- The fee is automatically waived at cancellation.
- The fee is reassessed on reinstatement.
To enable these fees:
- Navigate to Settings > Modules > Policies.
- Under Policy Lifecycle, select Edit. The Confirm dialog box will open with the following message:
You are about to leave the page. Would you like to save your data before proceeding?
- Select Yes.
- From the Choose a State dropdown list, select the state you're establishing the non-pay fees for.
- Select one of the following:
- Lifecycle Parameters Are the Same for All Business.
- Lifecycle Parameters Are Defined Per Policy Type.
Note: If you select the Lifecycle Parameters Are Defined Per Policy Type option, you will be prompted to select the policy type you're establishing the non-pay fees for.
- Select the Non-Pay tab and navigate to Fees.
- In the Non-Pay fee box, type the amount that will be charged when a policy enters non-pay cancellation pending.
- In the Continuation fee box, type the amount that will be charged when a policy enters non-pay cancellation pending.
- Select Save or Save and Exit.
Fee exceptions
Clients may opt to charge a non-pay and/or continuation fee globally. The Print Renewal Invoice Irrespective of Amount Due setting allows clients to override both fees on renewal invoices only.
To enable the Print Renewal Invoice Irrespective of Amount Due setting:
- Navigate to Settings > Modules > Policies.
- Under Policy Lifecycle, select Edit. The Confirm dialog box will open with the following message:
You are about to leave the page. Would you like to save your data before proceeding?
- Select Yes.
- From the Choose a State dropdown list, select the state you're establishing the non-pay fees for.
- Select one of the following:
- Lifecycle Parameters Are the Same for All Business.
- Lifecycle Parameters Are Defined Per Policy Type.
Note: If you select the Lifecycle Parameters Are Defined Per Policy Type option, you will be prompted to select the policy type you're establishing the non-pay fees for.
- Select Billing, and then select Print Renewal Invoice Irrespective of Amount Due.
- Select Save or Save and Exit.
When a payment is marked NSF, the NSF Fee is assessed.
To set the NSF Fee:
- Navigate to Settings > Modules > Policies.
- On the Policies screen, under Fees, in the NSF Fee box, type an amount.
- At the bottom of the screen, select Save.
Endorsement Invoice Fee
If no future installments exist, or if more premium must be billed to avoid going upside-down on a policy, BriteCore generates an Amended Billing Statement when there is a premium increase following a committed endorsement or revision. The Endorsement Invoice Fee can be attached to the invoice independent from the standard installment invoice fee.
To set the Endorsement Invoice Fee:
- Navigate to Settings > Modules > Policies.
- On the Policies screen, under Fees, in the Endorsement Invoice Fee box, type an amount.
- At the bottom of the screen, select Save.
Equity Invoice Fee
BriteCore recommends you don't use the Equity Invoice Fee.
Waive Installment Fees
By default, when a policy is on a billing schedule and the payor pays the policy in full or a return premium transfer pays the policy in full, BriteCore won't waive future installment fees. To waive future installment fees for pre-paid invoices:
- Navigate to Settings > Modules > Policies.
- Under Policy Lifecycle, select Edit. The Confirm dialog box will open with the following message:
You are about to leave the page. Would you like to save your data before proceeding?
- Select Yes.
- On the Policy Lifecycle screen, select the state, select the Lifecycle Parameters are Defined Per Policy Type option, and then select the policy type you're waiving future installment fees for.
- On the Billing tab, under Options, select the Waive Installment Fees for Pre-Paid Invoices checkbox.
- Select Save.