Once you have selected your state and Lifecycle Parameters, you can configure the Billing Options settings.
Configure the Billing Options settings
- In the BriteCore menu, select Settings.
- In the Settings menu, select Modules, and then select Policies.
- On the Policies screen, under Policy Lifecycle, select Edit.
- In the Confirm dialog box, select Yes to save your data before proceeding.
- At the top of the Policy Lifecycle screen, select the Choose a State dropdown list, and then select the applicable state.
- In the Billing section, configure the settings listed in the Options settings section below.
Billing Options settings
The Options section contains the following settings:
Important: When you're finished, select either Save or Save and Exit. These appear at the top and bottom of the screen.
Do Not Issue a Bill If the Amount Due is Less Than: If the amount due is under the threshold set here, a bill won’t be sent out. This setting uses less than or equal to logic, so ensure this value is less than the Threshold setting at the bottom of the Non-Pay tab.
Note: You will need to contact BriteCore customer service to request this change.
Always Bill AutoPay: If the policy is on autopay, selecting this option overrides the Do Not Issue a Bill If the Amount Due is Less Than setting.
Note: You will need to contact BriteCore customer service to request this setting (as it is enabled/disabled in the database.)
Example: If the Do Not Issue a Bill If the Amount Due is Less Than setting threshold is $5.00, then a bill won’t be sent out when the amount due is less than $5.00. If the Always Bill Auto Pay setting is selected, policies on Autopay will still be billed even if the amount due is under $5.00.
Discontinue Printing During Cancellation Pending: By default, BriteCore will send billing correspondence to applicable parties, but this setting allows you to discontinue correspondence when a policy is pending cancellation.
Important: Billing documents that should have been sent during the pending cancellation get set to Do Not Print. These will have manually updated to To Be Determined if they need to be sent out after the policy is no longer in a Pending Cancellation status.
When a policy is pending cancellation for any reason, future documents won’t be:
- Printed (insured copy).
- Emailed (agent copy).
- Sent to notify vendors (e.g., mortgagee copy via InsVista).
Note: If the policy is taken out of cancellation pending, any future documents will be set to print.
Print Initial Invoice Irrespective of Amount Due: This setting will cause the initial invoice to always print, even if the amount due is less than the Do Not Issue a Bill If the Amount Due is Less Than threshold.
Print Renewal Invoice Irrespective of Amount Due: This setting will cause the renewal invoice to always print, even if the amount due is less than the Do Not Issue a Bill If the Amount Due is Less Than threshold.
Only print copies of Billing Documents if the recipient is the Bill Whom: When the designated invoice recipient isn’t the payor, this setting works in a setting combination to set invoices to Do Not Print.
Note: By default, BriteCore will generate and print invoices to applicable parties, including the designated Bill Whom, even if they aren’t selected in Settings > Deliverables.
Send an Amended Invoice even when the endorsement amount is negative: This setting will create and send a negative invoice.
Note: When the premium is reduced on a policy, BriteCore won’t send an amended invoice displaying the amount the premium was lowered.
Waive Installment Fees For Pre-Paid Invoices: This setting will cause BriteCore to automatically waive future installment fees.
Note: When a policy is on a billing schedule and it gets paid in full by either the payor or a return premium transfer, BriteCore won’t waive all future installment fees.
Charge $0.00 on Non-pays and Continuation For Renewal Invoices: This setting prevents charging a non-pay and/or continuation fee on renewal invoices.
Prevent agents and external users from making Billing Schedule changes Mid-Term: This setting restricts when an agent can update billing schedules via a sweep payment and an external user can update billing schedules via the Secure Checkout screen.
Display Due Date on Invoices As Day: This setting creates a grace period of X amount of days for premium payments by showing a due date on the insured’s invoice that is different than what is displayed on the policy’s Account Receivable screen. While the policy’s Accounts Receivable screen displays the actual due date, the invoice shows the due date as X amount of days prior to the actual due date.
Example: If an insured’s premium is due on the 15th and you set Display Due Date on Invoices As Day to -3, then the insured’s invoice will show the due date as the 12th (three days prior to the due date). That three-day period is the grace period.
Note: Payments are due by 12:01 am on the due date displayed on the policy’s Accounts Receivable screen. If a payment isn’t posted by 12:01 am on the due date, the policy goes into Non-Pay, Cancellation Pending.
When performing a premium-increase endorsement: This setting allows you to control how billing behaves when a premium-bearing endorsement is performed.
- If you select Create an endorsement invoice, BriteCore will create an endorsement invoice even if future invoices exist. BriteCore will create an endorsement invoice and spread the remaining money over future installments.
- If you select Spread the premium evenly among future installments, if any, BriteCore will always spread the endorsement premium evenly among future installments. If no future installments exist, BriteCore will create an endorsement invoice.