In classic BriteCore, you can now configure underwriting rules that will block a user from continuing past a quote's Risk screen in the Agent Wizard when the rule criteria are met.
Note: This functionality is similar to the validation rules that are triggered for clients using BriteSuite.
- Added the Block Quote underwriting rule effect for configuring underwriting rules.
Note: The effect will be triggered only in BriteQuote (Agent Wizard).
- Added the Ineligible policy state:
- When the underwriting rule using the Block Quote effect is triggered in the Agent Wizard, the Ineligible policy state locks the quote and stop the user from moving past the Risks screen.
- When a quote is changed to Ineligible, the user will see the following message: We cannot offer a policy to this home right now.
- If the quote information is changed so that the rule is no longer triggered:
- The quote will become unblocked.
- The user will be able to continue with the quote.
- Enabled rules to be called from the Risks setup page of the Agent Wizard.
See Block quoting in the Agent Wizard to:
- Enable the lock-wizard-on-review-state advanced setting.
- Enable the Run Underwriting Rules on Risk Setup Page setting.
- Create a rule using the Blocked Quote effect.