The default-contact-type advanced setting determines the default contact type when quoting a policy. This setting is available as a toggle between Individual and Organization.
- Individual: The default contact type will be set to "Individual" when quoting a policy.
- Organization: The default contact type will be set to "Organization" when quoting a policy.
Effect on Quoting:
When quoting a policy, the radio button for "Contact is an individual" or "Contact is an organization" will be automatically selected based on this setting. This allows for faster quoting by preselecting the appropriate contact type.
Example Usage:
- If the default-contact-type is set to Individual, the quote screen will display the "Contact is an individual" radio button as the default.
- If the default-contact-type is set to Organization, the "Contact is an organization" radio button will be pre-selected on the quote screen.
How to Change the Default Contact Type:
- Navigate to the Advanced Settings section.
- Find the default-contact-type setting.
- Toggle between Individual or Organization as needed.
- Save your changes.
This setting helps streamline the quoting process and ensures that the correct contact type is selected by default.