Search box
The Search box allows users to type a search criteria so they can generate a list of matching policies. Users can search by policy number, primary named insured, policy type, current status, effective date, expiration date, address, city, state, and ZIP.
The Search box appears either on the Legacy Search screen or the Policies screen depending on the advanced settings below.
Note: The images below display the main menu and Policies submenu in the top right corner of the screen. The location of the main menu and submenu may change depending on the user interface.
For the Search box to appear on the Legacy Search screen, set the enable-new-policy-search advanced setting to True.
Figure 1: The Search box on the Legacy Search screen.
For the Search box to appear on the Policies screen, set the enable-new-policy-search advanced setting to False.
Figure 2: The Search box on the Policies screen.
Field default
By default, the Search box is empty and the policy list table displays No Results.
Figure 3: The Search box default.
Change the default
To change the default you can:
- In the Search box, leave it blank and select Go or press Enter/Return on your keyboard for all the policies to appear.
Figure 4: Unfiltered policies list.
- In the Search box, type a search criteria and select Go or press Enter/Return on your keyboard, for BriteCore to return matching policies.
Figure 5: Filtered policies list.
Usage considerations
The Search box can't be customized and behaves the same in the Provider Administrator and Agent portals. If the criteria typed into the Search box yields one result, you will automatically be directed to the screen of that specific policy. If the criteria typed into the Search box yields more than one result, all matching policies will be returned in the policies list table.
Additional topics of interest
- Legacy Search
- Policies (tab)
- Help
- Search for a Policy
- enable-new-policy-search