When setting up the Rate Object Evaluation in the Lines module, you will need to assign a variable in the Rate Chain. After assigning a variable, you will need to name the variable.
When naming a variable, remember the following:
- Use camel case:
- Make the first word lowercase.
- Capitalize each word after the first.
- Don’t add a space between words.
- Don’t use limit and premium as variable names, since they’re the names of specific functions. However, variable names can contain the words limit or premium such as runningLimit or premiumCalculation.
- Don’t use a number in the variable name.
- My variable becomes myVariable.
- This is my variable becomes thisIsMyVariable.
To assign a variable:
- In the BriteCore menu, select Lines.
- On the Effective Dates screen, select the applicable effective date.
- On the Policy Types screen, complete the following steps:
- In the Select State or Province dropdown, select a state or province.
- Navigate to the applicable Policy Type, and then select Edit.
- On the Details screen, navigate to the applicable Line Item, and then select Edit.
- On the Edit Line Item screen, select Setup, and then select Line item has a rate and/or a deductible.
- Select Rating, and then complete the following steps:
- Select Add to Chain to set a variable for any Rate Object.
- In the Chain Details section, navigate to the Rate Object you added, and then select No Variable Set.
- In the No Variable Set box, type the name of the variable.