With the show-notice-email-id-on-policy-page advanced setting in the policies section, administrators can choose to display an email address designated specifically for application activity for the Agency Name identified contact.
This setting requires a True or False button.
Setting default
By default, show-notice-email-id-on-policy-page is set to False, so BriteCore will not display the designated email address.
Change the default
To change the default, navigate to Settings > Advanced and search for show-notice-email-id-on-policy-page. Change the setting to True and BriteCore will display the preferred email, if the email has been identified for the targeted Agency Name.
Adoption considerations
The identified contact in the Agency Name field (whether an agency contact or an agent contact) must have a designated Email Address to Use value under the Direct Application Activity to Specified Email Addresses checkbox for the True setting value to display the email address. If the setting value is True and there is no email identified in the Email Address to Use field for application activity, no email address will be displayed.