With the show-primary-property advanced setting, clients can designate a primary property on a multi-property policy. Designating a primary property is important for LOBs like Workers' Compensation, where rates are based upon a particular territory or ZIP code.
The show-primary-property advanced setting requires True and False buttons.
Setting default
By default, the show-primary-property advanced setting is set to False, so clients don't have the option to designate a primary property on a multi-property policy.
Change the default
To change the default, navigate to Settings > Advanced. In the Search for a Setting box, type show-primary-property, then select Search or press Enter/Return on your keyboard. Change the setting from False to True. When the setting is set to True, clients can designate and select the primary property on a multi-property policy.
If a primary address is designated and later deleted, the next address with a valid ZIP code will be set as the primary property.