The claim lifecycle is the process a claim goes through from the time it was first initiated in the first notice of loss (FNOL) to the time the claim is settled and closed. The following workflows guide you through the claim lifecycle and demonstrate the tools you will use when filing a claim, managing the claim, and closing a claim. With the exception of the First notice of loss - step 1, these workflows are created specifically for users working in the Provider Administrator portal.
- First notice of loss - step 1
- Add coverages - step 2
- Assign a claims adjuster - step 3
- Assign a claims supervisor - step 4
- Add a claimant - step 5
- Set reserves - step 6
- Make a payment - step 7
- Review accounting summary - step 8
- Set recovery reserves - step 9
- Create recovery receipts - step 10
- Set and update claim status - step 11
Accessing the environment
Before you can complete the FNOL, you first need to access the BriteCore environment. If you're logging in for the first time, see Log in as a first time BriteCore user. If you have questions about logging in and you're an existing BriteCore user, see Log in as a current BriteCore user.
Provider Administrator portal environment views
As an administrator, your environment may look like one of these images:
Figure 1: The BriteCore dashboard in the Provider Administrator portal, with the BriteCore menu located in the upper-right corner of the screen (see above).
Figure 2: The BriteCore dashboard in the Provider Administrator portal, with the BriteCore menu located on the left side of the screen (see above).
Agent portal environment views
As an agent, your environment may look like one of these images:
Figure 3: The BriteCore dashboard in the Agent portal, with the BriteCore menu located in the upper-right corner of the screen (see above).
Figure 4: The BriteCore dashboard in the Agent portal, with the BriteCore menu located on the left side of the screen (see above).