In Lines, you can add a line item to any of the existing policy types.
To add a new line item to an existing policy type:
- In the BriteCore menu, select Lines.
- On the Effective Dates screen, select the applicable effective date.
- On the Policy Types screen, complete the following steps:
- In the Select State or Province dropdown list, select the applicable state or province.
- Navigate to the applicable Line, and then, next to the policy type you want to add a line item to, select the edit icon
- On the Details screen, under Setup, in the Primary Exposures section, select Add Line Items
- In the Edit Line Item dialog box, complete the following steps:
- In the Line Item Name box, type the name of the line item.
- To set up the line item, select Setup, and then select the applicable options.
Note: If you select Line item has a rate and/or deductible, the Rating section appears below the Setup section.
- To set up your Rate Chain, select Rating, and then build your Rate Chain.
- To add supplemental questions, select Supplemental Questions.
- When you’re finished setting up the line item, scroll to the bottom of the screen, and then select Save.