In BriteCore, you can use line item settings to make changes that affect lines of business. Table 1 lists all of the line item settings and includes descriptions, use cases, and examples.
Table 1: Line item settings.
Coverage | ||
Line item has a limit | Define a line item limit. |
Coverage A has a limit of $500,000, and an administrator wants to make sure an agent doesn’t go over the limit. |
Line item has a rate and/or a deductible | Define a rate, rate chain, or deductible. | Rating factors |
Allow mortgagee/loss payee to be attached to this line item | Attach a loss payee to a specific line item. | Used for coverages that need their own loss payee, like farm equipment and hog/poultry houses. |
Line item is [Mandatory/Default] for this policy type | Make a line item mandatory or default, which determines whether an agent can remove it from a policy. | Agents can’t remove mandatory line items from a policy. |
Allow multiples of this item | Add a line item multiple times. | |
Line item is reported under a loss exposure group | Group line items for reporting. | Reinsurance |
Premium/fee is fully earned/collected at inception and is non-refundable | The item bills for the entire amount and won’t be prorated if the policy cancels flat or mid-term. | |
Premium/fee is fully billed/collected at inception and can be returned pro-rata | The item bills for the entire amount but will be prorated if the policy cancels mid-term. | |
Line item overrides another line item’s limit | Use the limit of this line item to replace the limit of another item. | Replacement cost contents increase Coverage C limit. |
Line item modifies another line item’s requested limit at renewal | The line item can modify another item’s limit by a factor. Use an extension to define the factor by zip code. | Inflation Guard |
This line item applies if [less/more] than [0-10] claims have been [filed/paid] within the last [1-10] years | Use for claims-free surcharges, discounts, and experience rating. | |
Only Available For: [New Policies/Renewals] | Limit a line item to only New or Renewal business. | Inflation Guard applies to renewals only. |
Display on Declaration as: [Section I, Section II, Optional Items] |
In Settings > Deliverables > Declaration > Declaration Section, you can create various sections and designate which Declaration section to apply the line item. |
Do not display under Rating Information on the Declaration |
Hides line item rating information (Effective, Limit, Deductible, Premum) within the Rating Information section of the Declaration. |
Show in Builder: [BriteCore and BriteQuote / BriteCore Only] | Choose where to display line items: BriteCore and/or BriteQuote. |
If a client wants only an underwriter or administrator to see certain calculations or premiums, you can hide line items from a particular portal. |
Do not display on Declaration when premium equals $0 | Hide a line item on the Declaration if its premium is $0. | |
Display the premium as “Incl” on the Declaration when premium equals $0 |
On the Declaration, the premium shows “Incl” to indicate the line item premium is included in the policy premium. |
Line item is not rated pro-rata or by term factor | Use for calculation line items that shouldn’t be affected by cancellations and terms. | |
No commission is paid on this line item | Commission isn’t calculated on the line item’s written or paid premium. | |
Show limit and premium under Rating Information on the Declaration | Use to show the limit and premium in the Rating Information section of the Declaration. | |
Do not trigger Persistent Builder when added mandatorily |
Permits users to add a new line item to a policy without triggering the Persistent Builder, which reconciles line items across effective dates. |
Do not trigger Persistent Builder for newly-added Category object | Adding a category to a line item that didn’t previously have a category won’t trigger the Persistent Builder. | |
Prorate fee in Builder (for use on items that don’t reference pro-rata premium in rate calculation) | ||
Line item not available in BriteQuote | Prevents agents from selecting the line item in BriteQuote. | |
Disallow “Submit Bound” if this item is applied to an application | If the line item gets added to an application, it must be submitted unbound. | |
Line item does not apply if policy is on Agency Billing | Makes the line item unavailable for wholesale agents. | |
Prevent this item from being deleted on BriteQuote’s Builder | Prevents agents from deleting the line item in the BriteQuote Builder. |
A client may have different underwriting questionnaires based on business classification. When the questionnaire line item is added, clients wouldn't want the agent to have the ability to remove it. |
Calculation | ||
Disallow “Submit Bound” if limit exceeds |
If you allow bound application submission, this allows you to define the limit above which an application must be submitted unbound. |
Adjustment | ||
Line item’s premium is added to another line item’s premium | Allows for combining premiums. Used in place of calculating line items. | |
Dividend | ||
This item is a factor of the previous term’s premium: [Enter Percentage] |